Case Management & Aftercare

i911 Aftercare Addiction Treatment

Part of the Intervention 911 promise, and what sets us apart from the rest of the recovery professionals in the field, is the fact that we would like to be an active part of your support team long after the family intervention.

One thing is certain, addicts with a long-term sobriety plan fortified with healthy aftercare and support are more likely to stay sober than those who do not, which is why we offer our professional support and expertise to the entire family. Taking a page from some of the most powerful aftercare programs being used today in the fields of medicine and law, Intervention 911 has developed an aftercare program that caters to everyone, regardless of where you fall on the financial spectrum.

At Intervention 911 our aftercare methods are taken from many years of research and development. We utilize only the most effective plan which will be catered to suit you needs and includes any or all of the following:

What it entails:

1. Weekly follow up with patient while in a treatment center with signed progress reports back to the family.

2. Take an active part in the discharge strategy and plan with the treatment center, ensuring all of family’s needs are met.

3. Meeting with the primary counselor and the patient the day of discharge before escorting him/her back home.

4. Escorting the patient back to the family

5. Having a family meeting with all participates from the intervention explaining what treatment was like for patient and what to expect.

6. Having a sober companion come in and stay with the patient for 3 days to 6 months

The Sober Companion:

1. The 3 day companion would find a local addiction treatment therapist and set up an appointment with them during that 3 day time frame to get patient started in therapy back home. Will also take him/her to local 12 step meetings and provide them with a schedule of all local meetings.

2. The one-week companion (one week or more) would help build the structure of the treatment plan that was determined with the treatment team during discharge planning.

3. Administer drug testing as needed

5. Assist with successful 12-step program participation:
• daily journal
• making contacts at meetings
• daily meditations/readings
• begin step work

6. The companion will take the patient to a 12 step meeting everyday in conjunction with the out patient therapy 3 times a week or as directed by the counselor.

7. Will help the patient find a sponsor.

8. Establish nutrition/exercise plan for the addict.

Other Services:

• Transporting patient back home, making sure home is safe
• Meeting with all family members and patient to go over what to expect
• Daily readings
• 12 step meetings with in 24 hours
• Collect cards and phone numbers
• Help them call and set up car pool to meetings
• Encourage social time out of 12 step meetings within the fellowship
• Go to meetings with them
• Daily journal
• Help them get a sponsor or temporary sponsor
• Help facilitate communication with sponsor and working with them
• Working on steps making sure they have a plan on them
• Outside activities
• Outside volunteer
• Outside therapy
• Drug testing
• Family relations
• Speaking to family members to help with healthy boundaries

Breathing techniques:

• 2 times day for 6 months
• After 6 months you can do it 4 times

Diet and Exercise:

• Fish oil in diet with vegetables
• Exercise daily