Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Life Skills Program with Intervention 911

Intervention 911 is excited to announce a new program available to its clients; the Life Skills Program. After years providing case management and recovery monitoring services, Intervention 911's staff saw an opportunity to help expedite their client’s journey to living a happy life in recovery. Addicts generally stop emotionally maturing at the age they start using. That being said, once an addict gets treatment and starts to live without drugs, they often have very limited basic life skills. There is a distinct difference between an individual being abstinent from drugs and alcohol, and individual living a life in recovery. The life skills program intends to address this difference. The object is to asses and improve the clients Behaviors, Attitude, Attendance, and Achievement or (B.A.A.A). Intervention 911 life skills coaches work with the addict on core skills like scheduling their day, shopping, self-care, finances, and navigating daily struggles. Another key element of the program is fine tuning interpersonal communication skills and assisting the client in meeting their career or education goals. The life skills program is really a complete lifestyle overhaul that focuses on emotional growth with an emphasis on responsibility. Accountability to one of Intervention 911's life skills coaches can make all the difference for the client’s success with personal growth. The coaches are trained to compassionately address any non-compliance with the Life Skills program in a non-judgmental manner. Accountability to a third party outside the family dynamic reduces conflict and increases success all the while maintaining the clients dignity. If you or a loved one could benefit from the Life Skills program, please call Intervention 911 today!


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