Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back to School!


It is back to school time for many kids and adults of all ages. It was a nice summer break but now it’s time to hit the books! For students, school can be very stressful. Between studies, social interaction and the demands of others, students are susceptible to turning to drugs and alcohol to deal with some of these pressures.

It is often thought that peer pressure can play a major role in encouraging the use of alcohol and drugs for high school and college age students. Coupled with the other pressures students face, they can often times become addicted – thus sabotaging their chance of success in school.

Please read the article below to see what steps you can take to help a loved one with an addiction. It is interesting to see how the students are responding to pressure from peers and family to get help at a greater level than those students who are not. We see this with interventions all the time. When families get together under the direction of a professional, credentialed interventionist, the act itself helps move the addict to their rock bottom so they decide to get help for themselves

Article from: CARON

A new study suggests pressure from friends and parents plays a stronger role than previously believed in motivating college students to seek help for a substance use disorder. Overall, very few college students with substance use disorders seek help. But that percentage rises significantly among those who get pressure from their friends, peers or parents about their drinking or drug use

The study was conducted by investigators from the Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) at the University of Maryland, College Park, and published on-line in July by the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Amelia Arria, Ph.D., the study’s lead investigator, is also a senior scientist at the Treatment Research Institute (TRI), a non-profit research development group dedicated to science-driven information of policy and practice in substance abuse. Behavioral Health Central recently interviewed Dr. Arria about the study and how the results might be used to help increase the number of young adults who receive help for a substance use disorder during their critical and formative college years. To listen to or read this report, click here.Today and every Monday, look to BHC for your weekly update of content from Mental Health Weekly Digest – a comprehensive summary of research and behavioral healthcare news from around the world. You’ll find it posted to Clinical News and corresponding Conditions and Disorders.

POSTED BY: Ken Seeley – Founder – Intervention 911www.Intervention911.com
Phone # 866-888-4911

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