Friday, December 31, 2010
Remember an Addict i
Remember an Addict is either in Recovery or in the Disease. We do not have a “gray” area or “doing better” area. We are in one or the other and if the addict chooses the Disease then we re-group and create a “Rock Bottom” to get them back into Recovery. It is simple, just takes the action of the family to hold firm with “zero tolerance” to the addiction. It is a choice for the addict and it is a choice for the family. Someone has to make the right choice to take the action to end it. We work with the families to find out what your loved one’s “Rock Bottom” will be and create it in a loving and supportive manor. Take the action and call in a professional to help change this cycle of destruction killing everyone involved. 2011 is a time to make that difference.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Hello everyone, SAMH
Hello everyone, SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) issued the following press release earlier today, announcing funding to help kids growing up in homes affected by parental meth abuse. I thought it was encouraging and figured it was good reading for going into the weekend. Have a good one! SAMHSA awards nearly $16.8 million to expand services to children affected by methamphetamine in families participating in family treatment drug courts The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will award a total of up to $16.8 million for the next four years in grants to expand and enhance services to help provide greater support to children affected by methamphetamine use in their families. The program will focus primarily on the children (0-17 years old) of parents who use or abuse methamphetamine who are enrolled in a Family Treatment Drug Court (FTDC). Grantees must identify a Service Coordinator with the role of establishing and identifying linkages for necessary services to promote the well-being of the child. These services include providing substance exposed newborns with the proper medical care as early as possible as well as delivering medical and dental and mental health services to affected children in families recovering from methamphetamine problems. A large body of research has demonstrated that the highest risk factors for child abuse and neglect are parental substance abuse, parental mental health problems, and domestic violence. Over the last several years, there has been a tremendous interest on prevention strategies that focus on promoting protective factors such as parental resilience, knowledge of parenting and child development, concrete support, nurturing and attachment, and social connections. “Children of substance abusing parents are likely to experience guilt, anxiety, embarrassment, inability to have close relationships, confusion, and anger,” said SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde, J.D. “This program offers children help early on which is important in preventing more serious problems for the child later in life, including substance abuse and mental disorders. The key is helping children understand they are not responsible for the problems of their parents.” It is expected that approximately $4.2 million per year will be available to fund up to 12 grants. Awardees are eligible for up to $370,000 per year for up to four years. The total program is expected to provide a total of nearly $16.8 million over its four year course. The actual amounts may vary, depending on the availability of these funds and the performance of the grantees. The grants will be administered by SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. The awardees and the first year amounts of their grants are: Superior Court of California, Riverdale, Calif. $370,000 Clark County, Vancover, Wash. $370,000 Santa Barbara County, Santa Barbara, Calif. $370,000 Colorado Judicial Department, Denver, Colo. $369,090 Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse, Oklahoma City, Okla. $370,000 Administrative Office of the Courts/Nebraska Supreme Court, Lincoln, Nebraska $369,856 County of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Calif. $370,000 San Luis Obispo County Behavioral Health – Drug & Alcohol Services, San Luis Obispo, Calif. $370,000 Dunklin County, Kennett, Mo. $119,082 Butte County, Chino, Calif. $370,000 Sacramento County Department of Health and Human ServicesSacramento, Calif. $370,000 Pima County Juvenile Court , Tucson, Ariz. $369,993 #
wow i just did a sea
wow i just did a search for interventionist and many people say they know how to do them. Please make sure if you need one to contact me or make sure they are Board Registered Interventionis, Please pass that on..
Going to London next
Going to London next week to do a training for interventionist. Did I say how much I love my work??
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Thank you for inviti
Thank you for inviting me to meet with Senator Mark DeSaulnier, I love what he is doing with CURES... Please support this effort, keeping doctors accountable.
Thank you for inviti
Thank you for inviting me to meet with Senator Mark DeSaulnier, I love what he is doing with CURES... Please support this effort, keeping doctors accountable.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Great party tonight
Great party tonight Happy Birthday again Steve, 10 years!!!!!' called birthdays on west coast
Monday, August 2, 2010
Hi Kevin,It's hard t
Hi Kevin,It's hard to believe it's been a week since Mike agreed to go to treatment. I know we wouldn't have got him help without you guys. Evan said you like feedback and that there was an email address we could address that to. I tried to look online for it but was unable to find it. I want to thank you for helping to set this all up and working so patiently with me. You'll never know how much you helped me emotionally as we set this up. I appreciate so much your gentleness and kindness as we worked through the difficulties. I especially thank you for sending Evan to us. Our whole family has fallen in love with him, and have no doubt you sent us the best. He truly is amazing. He truly was so focused on helping Michael, He was very professional, but at the same time very personable. He put us at ease right away. He always took time to address our concerns, keep us informed of where we were in the process, never left us for a minute the entire time, yet at the same time knew what to do when all the doors seemed to be shutting for us. He never acted like this was not going well, or that it was hopeless. He persisted and pursued no matter what. God has blessed him with an incredible ability to help people and to know exactly what to do when, and to not give up. I never saw anybody multitask like Evan. He was focused on Michael, the family, the situations arising , the obstacles all at the same time keeping his cool. We will never forget you, Evan and Intervention 911.I would recommend you all without reservation. Your organization is amazing. We will be forever grateful for you helping to save our son's life. I don't think a price tag can be put on the services you offer. It was well worth every cent and more. Everything is so well organized and you are so helpful and comforting. I will forever thank the Lord for directing us to Intervention 911. Kathy
Friday, July 23, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
What do you think ab
What do you think about Lindsey... Let me know if jail is going to help??
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Hate to keep saying
Hate to keep saying this but I have no more room on friend page. I have no more room for friends on FB, sorry. I am going to start doing all my posting on this fan page. Can you please hit “LIKE” on it and I would love to hear from you on how we can fight this real war on addictions. Please Please Please chime in when you hear something close to your heart.. Or just to chime in… Look forward to this wall making a difference in helping families come closer and addictions moving away from the people we love.. Thank YOU for your help. If you ever have a question that is private I answer questions on my email or send me a private message here on FB. Sincerely, Ken Seeley
Friday, June 18, 2010
Older Americans Stru
Older Americans Struggling with Drug Addiction Wall Street Journal, 6/17/10 WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--A government report released Wednesday shows a rise in the proportion of older Americans who are struggling with cocaine, heroin and marijuana. In the period between 1992 and 2008, the proportion of substance abuse treatment admissions involving people who were at least 50 years old nearly doubled. It jumped from 6.6% of all admissions in 1992 to 12.2% in 2008, the most recent year for which data is available. The data was gathered from treatment centers across the country. While alcohol abuse is still the leading cause for admissions, the study--sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, or SAMHSA--also shows a sharp rise in the proportion of older Americans who were admitted to treatment centers because they were struggling with illegal drugs. Jennifer Cofield, a 55-year-old mother and wife who lives in upstate New York near Lake Delta, struggled with substance abuse when she was in her late forties and early fifties. At the age of 52, she checked in to Seabrook House, an inpatient treatment center on a 40-acre estate in New Jersey. She has since kicked her habit. "I was a heroin snorter," she said. "If you had asked me 10 years ago if I would have ever tried heroin, my answer would have been, 'Are you out of your mind?'" But Cofield said she decided to try heroin after her 29-year-old daughter died of breast cancer. "That was the catalyst for me to find something to numb myself," she said. At that time she was in her late forties. "I just thought it was very unusual to be 48 and a heroin addict right out of the blue," she said. "When I went to rehab I was the oldest woman there until a woman came in who was in her sixties." Still, the SAMHSA study shows that older adults are making up more of the population at the nation's drug treatment centers. Between 1992 and 2008, the proportion of older Americans involved in heroin abuse more than doubled, going from 7.2% to 16%. Cocaine abuse almost quadrupled, going from 2.9% to 11.4% and prescription drug abuse rose from 0.7% to 3.5%. Additionally, marijuana abuse increased from 0.6% to 2.9%. Alcohol abuse-related admissions actually fell, going from 84.6% in 1992 to 59.9% in 2008. Peter Delaney, director of SAMHSA's office of applied studies said part of the reason older adults are making up more of the population at the nation's treatment centers is because the U.S. population--particularly the baby boom generation--is aging. Also, the study shows that about 75% of the older adults being treated at rehabilitation centers started using drugs when they were 25 or younger, so "there is a solid group of adults now who have been using for quite a long time," Delaney said. However, there isn't a lot of data about how different types of illegal drugs affect older adults, who are more likely to have slower metabolisms and to suffer from dehydration. "What that points to is our need to be pretty proactive in reaching out to older adults before it becomes a problem," Delaney said. "I think we think about prevention only for young kids. We also need to begin to think about prevention options for older adults." The study also suggests that an increasing number of older Americans are starting to experiment with drugs later in life. Delaney, a social worker by training, said there are usually two reasons people turn to drugs: "to feel better or to feel good." But it's important to find out why more older adults are starting up drug habits. "That's something we're going to be looking at a little more closely. We don't know what that's about," said Delaney. The report also found that substance abuse in older adults can be hard to diagnose because symptoms are often the same as other medical problems common among this population, such as diabetes. "These findings show the changing scope of substance abuse problems in America," said SAMHSA Administrator Pamela Hyde in a statement. "The graying of drug users in America is an issue for any programs and communities providing health or social services for seniors." -By Maya Jackson Randall, Dow Jones Newswires; 202-257-6313,
Prescription Pill Abuse Soaring....
This article reinforces what we have been seeing at Intervention 911. Prescription pill abuse is a serious problem with no end in sight. Just because something is prescribed, does not mean it is ok to use. With the proliferation of doctor shopping and online pharmacies, access for people prone to addiction is easier than ever. If you have even the slightest concern about someone's prescription pill use, call Intervention911 at 866-888-4911 to speak confidentially with someone who can help identify if your loved one is abusing pills.
Abuse of prescription pain relievers is soaring in the United States, according to what health officials call "alarming findings" in a new report.
Visits to hospital emergency departments involving nonmedical use of prescription narcotic pain relievers more than doubled between 2004 and 2008, according to a study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"The abuse of prescription drugs is our nation's fastest-growing drug problem. And this new study shows it is a problem that affects men and women, people under 21, and those over 21," said Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske.
Three prescription opioid pain relievers were most frequently involved in hospital emergency department visits related to nonmedical use from 2004 to 2008:
Oxycodone products: Up 152 percent (well more than doubling), to 105,214.
Hydrocodone products: Up 123 percent, to 89,051.
Methadone products: Up 73 percent, to 63,629.
"These alarming findings provide one more example of how the misuse of prescription pain relievers is impacting lives and our health care system," said SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde. "This public health threat requires an all-out effort to raise awareness of the public about proper use, storage, and disposal of these powerful drugs."
The trends reflect in part dramatic increases in the rate at which these drugs are prescribed in the United States, according to a CDC statement. And this is not the first study to reveal the trend.
A separate study found abuse of certain prescription drugs nearly doubled from 2000 to 2007, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Some health officials are calling the rise in the misuse of prescription drugs an epidemic.
"We urgently need to take action," CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden said this week. "Emergency department visits involving nonmedical use of these prescription drugs are now as common as emergency department visits for use of illicit drugs. These prescription medicines help many people, but we need to be sure they are used properly and safely."
Abuse of prescription pain relievers is soaring in the United States, according to what health officials call "alarming findings" in a new report.
Visits to hospital emergency departments involving nonmedical use of prescription narcotic pain relievers more than doubled between 2004 and 2008, according to a study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"The abuse of prescription drugs is our nation's fastest-growing drug problem. And this new study shows it is a problem that affects men and women, people under 21, and those over 21," said Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske.
Three prescription opioid pain relievers were most frequently involved in hospital emergency department visits related to nonmedical use from 2004 to 2008:
Oxycodone products: Up 152 percent (well more than doubling), to 105,214.
Hydrocodone products: Up 123 percent, to 89,051.
Methadone products: Up 73 percent, to 63,629.
"These alarming findings provide one more example of how the misuse of prescription pain relievers is impacting lives and our health care system," said SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde. "This public health threat requires an all-out effort to raise awareness of the public about proper use, storage, and disposal of these powerful drugs."
The trends reflect in part dramatic increases in the rate at which these drugs are prescribed in the United States, according to a CDC statement. And this is not the first study to reveal the trend.
A separate study found abuse of certain prescription drugs nearly doubled from 2000 to 2007, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Some health officials are calling the rise in the misuse of prescription drugs an epidemic.
"We urgently need to take action," CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden said this week. "Emergency department visits involving nonmedical use of these prescription drugs are now as common as emergency department visits for use of illicit drugs. These prescription medicines help many people, but we need to be sure they are used properly and safely."
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I have no more room
I have no more room for friends on FB, sorry. I am going to start doing all my posting on this fan page. Can you please hit “LIKE” on it and I would love to hear from you on how we can fight this real war on addictions. Please Please Please chime in when you hear something close to your heart.. Or just to chime in… Look forward to this wall making a difference in helping families come closer and addictions moving away from the people we love.. Thank YOU for your help. If you ever have a question that is private I answer questions on my email or send me a private message here on FB. Sincerely, Ken Seeley
Monday, June 7, 2010
What is up with Delt
What is up with Delta??? No TV and no video???? What do you do for 4 hours... I tried to get on Nefix but that doesn't work on GOGO.. At least I can complain about it from up here..
Monday, May 24, 2010
Parents who have kids using herion......PAY ATTENTION
THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO BEFORE YOUR LOVED ONE DIES.....Call 866-888-4911 if you think your son or daughter is using....Read below to find out just how dangerous using can be. Death does not have to be the rock bottom. Intervention can save their life.
Associated Press Writers
updated 11:39 a.m. PT, Mon., May 24, 2010
WINFIELD, Mo. - Mexican drug smugglers are increasingly peddling a form of ultra-potent heroin that sells for as little as $10 a bag and is so pure it can kill unsuspecting users instantly, sometimes before they even remove the syringe from their veins.
An Associated Press review of drug overdose data shows that so-called "black tar" heroin — named for its dark, gooey consistency — and other forms of the drug are contributing to a spike in overdose deaths across the nation and attracting a new generation of users who are caught off guard by its potency.
"We found people who snorted it lying face-down with the straw lying next to them," said Patrick O'Neil, coroner in suburban Chicago's Will County, where annual heroin deaths have nearly tripled — from 10 to 29 — since 2006. "It's so potent that we occasionally find the needle in the arm at the death scene."
Authorities are concerned that the potency and price of the heroin from Mexico and Colombia could widen the drug's appeal, just as crack did for cocaine decades ago.
The Latin American heroin comes in the form of black tar or brown powder, and it has proven especially popular in rural and suburban areas.
Originally associated with rock stars, hippies and inner-city junkies, heroin in the 1970s was usually smuggled from Asia and the Middle East and was around 5 percent pure. The rest was "filler" such as sugar, starch, powdered milk, even brick dust. The low potency meant that many users injected the drug to maximize the effect.
But in recent years, Mexican drug dealers have improved the way they process poppies, the brightly colored flowers supplied by drug farmers that provide the raw ingredients for heroin, opium and painkillers such as morphine. Purity levels have increased, and prices have fallen.
'Different group of users'
Federal agents now commonly find heroin that is 50 percent pure and sometimes as much as 80 percent pure.
The greater potency allows more heroin users to snort the drug or smoke it and still achieve a sustained high — an attractive alternative for teenagers and suburbanites who don't want the HIV risk or the track marks on their arms that come with repeated injections.
"That has opened up heroin to a whole different group of users," said Harry Sommers, the agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Agency office in St. Louis.
Among the drug's casualties was William Henderson, a 29-year-old welder from rural Missouri who died in his sleep in 2009, hours after snorting heroin. A bear of a man at 6-foot-1 and 300 pounds, he had tried the drug only a few times.
His wife recalled waking up to find the alarm buzzing. Her husband's body had turned blue, and his stomach was cold to the touch.
"I kept telling him, 'Will, you're late — get up!" said Amanda Henderson of Winfield, Mo., northwest of St. Louis. "But he wasn't moving, wasn't breathing. I called 911, but I knew it was too late." She and her three small boys were left destitute.
An increasing amount of the deadliest heroin appears to be coming from Mexico. Although the vast majority still arrives from overseas, Mexican dealers appear to be chipping away at the U.S. market.
As recently as two years ago, state and federal drug agents saw heroin arriving from Colombia, Asia and Mexico. But as the availability and quality of cocaine and methamphetamine have declined, Mexican smugglers have stepped up heroin shipments to the U.S.
Overdose deaths rise
Independent Mexican smugglers have the market largely to themselves because the major drug cartels only dabble in heroin, preferring to focus on locally grown marijuana and Colombian cocaine, according to a DEA official in El Paso, Texas. The agent spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing security concerns and his ongoing role in active drug investigations.
Heroin metabolizes in the body so quickly that medical examiners often cannot pinpoint the drug as a cause of death unless there is other evidence to back it up — say, a needle or a syringe found near the body. Also, many victims use multiple drugs and alcohol, so citing a specific substance is often impossible.
THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO BEFORE YOUR LOVED ONE DIES.....Call 866-888-4911 if you think your son or daughter is using....Read below to find out just how dangerous using can be. Death does not have to be the rock bottom. Intervention can save their life.
Associated Press Writers
updated 11:39 a.m. PT, Mon., May 24, 2010
WINFIELD, Mo. - Mexican drug smugglers are increasingly peddling a form of ultra-potent heroin that sells for as little as $10 a bag and is so pure it can kill unsuspecting users instantly, sometimes before they even remove the syringe from their veins.
An Associated Press review of drug overdose data shows that so-called "black tar" heroin — named for its dark, gooey consistency — and other forms of the drug are contributing to a spike in overdose deaths across the nation and attracting a new generation of users who are caught off guard by its potency.
"We found people who snorted it lying face-down with the straw lying next to them," said Patrick O'Neil, coroner in suburban Chicago's Will County, where annual heroin deaths have nearly tripled — from 10 to 29 — since 2006. "It's so potent that we occasionally find the needle in the arm at the death scene."
Authorities are concerned that the potency and price of the heroin from Mexico and Colombia could widen the drug's appeal, just as crack did for cocaine decades ago.
The Latin American heroin comes in the form of black tar or brown powder, and it has proven especially popular in rural and suburban areas.
Originally associated with rock stars, hippies and inner-city junkies, heroin in the 1970s was usually smuggled from Asia and the Middle East and was around 5 percent pure. The rest was "filler" such as sugar, starch, powdered milk, even brick dust. The low potency meant that many users injected the drug to maximize the effect.
But in recent years, Mexican drug dealers have improved the way they process poppies, the brightly colored flowers supplied by drug farmers that provide the raw ingredients for heroin, opium and painkillers such as morphine. Purity levels have increased, and prices have fallen.
'Different group of users'
Federal agents now commonly find heroin that is 50 percent pure and sometimes as much as 80 percent pure.
The greater potency allows more heroin users to snort the drug or smoke it and still achieve a sustained high — an attractive alternative for teenagers and suburbanites who don't want the HIV risk or the track marks on their arms that come with repeated injections.
"That has opened up heroin to a whole different group of users," said Harry Sommers, the agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Agency office in St. Louis.
Among the drug's casualties was William Henderson, a 29-year-old welder from rural Missouri who died in his sleep in 2009, hours after snorting heroin. A bear of a man at 6-foot-1 and 300 pounds, he had tried the drug only a few times.
His wife recalled waking up to find the alarm buzzing. Her husband's body had turned blue, and his stomach was cold to the touch.
"I kept telling him, 'Will, you're late — get up!" said Amanda Henderson of Winfield, Mo., northwest of St. Louis. "But he wasn't moving, wasn't breathing. I called 911, but I knew it was too late." She and her three small boys were left destitute.
An increasing amount of the deadliest heroin appears to be coming from Mexico. Although the vast majority still arrives from overseas, Mexican dealers appear to be chipping away at the U.S. market.
As recently as two years ago, state and federal drug agents saw heroin arriving from Colombia, Asia and Mexico. But as the availability and quality of cocaine and methamphetamine have declined, Mexican smugglers have stepped up heroin shipments to the U.S.
Overdose deaths rise
Independent Mexican smugglers have the market largely to themselves because the major drug cartels only dabble in heroin, preferring to focus on locally grown marijuana and Colombian cocaine, according to a DEA official in El Paso, Texas. The agent spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing security concerns and his ongoing role in active drug investigations.
Heroin metabolizes in the body so quickly that medical examiners often cannot pinpoint the drug as a cause of death unless there is other evidence to back it up — say, a needle or a syringe found near the body. Also, many victims use multiple drugs and alcohol, so citing a specific substance is often impossible.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
On way to London for
On way to London for conference on addiction.. I love my work but couldn't we do it in my living room.. I travel to much.. Spreading the message on Intervention worldwide..
Monday, May 10, 2010
10PM EDT May 10Th Jo
10PM EDT May 10Th Join Ken Seeley On Ask "The Interventionist" At 10PM EDT. If you have been following the show Ken has been working with a family for two weeks in which their loved one Joe entered into detox on this past Thursday. Tonight Ken and the family will plan out the family contract for Joe to live by. Joe is ...scheduled for longterm treatment At St. Lukes Addiction Treatment Center in Miami on May 18,2010. He has a week between detox and treatment. Listen live to the show and ask questions by calling 1 (877) 486-3457.See More "Ask The Interventionist" - Ken Seeley Of Intervention 911 Location: Time:10:00PM Monday, May 10th
Monday, April 5, 2010
I hear tonights INTE
I hear tonights INTERVENTION on A&E is going to be the best ever.... Looking forward to checking it out...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thank you The Inside
Thank you The Insider for spreading the message of Recovery.
Monday, March 29, 2010 When are we going to help her... We see the signs and we need to help get her to hit a rock bottom before it is death..
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
If we add drugs to t
If we add drugs to this I wonder how many die everyday from addiction! I know FL has the fastest growing prescription med addition.. Lets really start counting and doing something about this...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 Also I have tickets to see Chelsea this Thursday... LOVE HER.... Thank you my friend James Van Praagh... Watch Thursday 7: pm E News, me talking about prescription drugs and how the addiction is growing. Interviewed by; Ken Baker.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Heading down to San
Heading down to San Diego... Hope to get to see Jeffrey while I am there.. Our VP of addmissions.. What a great day over here in CA... Not like the NY weather yesterday, closed airports again...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tonight I will be ta
Tonight I will be talking about Corey Haim's death on Showbiz Tonight HLN.. RIP Corey and please say a prayer for his mother that is not only dealing with his death but her own health issues.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Why do I only get th
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
On our way to Palm S
On our way to Palm Springs speaking at a CMA meeting tonight.. Love the 12 step program...
Thursday, January 21, 2010 Los Angeles, California KABC - 7 - 03:00PM 818-863-7777
Also please tune int
Also please tune into Oprah today.. She is talking about eating disorders with people from the Intervention show.. It is a must see, so many of us stuggle with this one, including me..
Jane Velez Mitchell
Jane Velez Mitchell tonight on HLN talking about sex addiction... So many suffer from this and it is time we help them... Thanks Jane for talking about it... Tonight 7pm EST HLN See you there!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
On my way to help an
On my way to help another family.... Hate to ask again but your prayers help!! This time send them to Hawaii please.. Love my work...
Friday, January 15, 2010
I am so sorry Pam..
I am so sorry Pam.. Hi Ken ♥ I wanted to pass on one of the video's made for my daughter. Kelli had one month sober when she relapsed one night. We never saw her alive again. just 18 years old. keep up the great work Ken. I know you will. xoxo Pam, still Kelli's mom
Monday, January 11, 2010
That was a waste of
That was a waste of time... Showed up 45 minutes early wait another 40 minutes in line security not very friendly then said you have to come back another time... Never watch that show again!!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
why do people live i
why do people live in cold weather?? Family? It is 73 here in LA... Talked to my parents in NY and they are snowed in....
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
This is what i think
This is what i think about this!! State says this lessens disease and helps with decreasing Overdosing: This is treating a symptom of the disease of addiction not to disease it self. This is not like giving out condoms at local bar to reduce spread of venereal disease or HIV. Heroin is an ILLEAGLE substance the last time I checked One of many reasons I am against it is: It gives the addict permission to go further into their addiction. Example, I am a recovering addict and one of the things I was totally against was trying Heroin, THAT is a REAL drug addict. I only do meth. Not very logical but fact. If I was giving “HOW TO DO HEROIN MANUAL” from the STATE??? It would be my permission slip to start doing heroin… Let’s say I was already into my addiction to Heroin as the State is addressing for those addicts. 1st I would have a great argument if I had to go in front of a judge, look I was just following your recommendations on how to. 2nd We are not addressing the root of the problem, these people are suffering from a medical disease. “Addiction”. We are helping them stay sick and showing them ways to keep the addiction alive. My recommendation would be 2 things: 1st Educate the public on signs to look for if you have a loved one or employee that suffers from Heroin addiction. Give them the signs; give them the behaviors of an addict in that pamphlet. 2nd Then give them to tools necessary to guide that person to “TREATMENT”. You can not make the person suffering from addiction go to treatment but you can Guide them. That is my job work with the family, the environment on guiding the addict to go to treatment and start a life of recovery from this disease of addiction. If the addict’s choice is to not accept treatment then this pamphlet can advise the family/environment surrounding the addict on how to get local authorities involved. Calling the police in assisting us in guiding the addict to treatment. GREAT INFORMATION FOR A PAMPLET The last time I checked HERION is an ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE IN NY. Then plead with the judge to mandate DRUG COURT. This is an amazing program that NY and most every state has. If the addict choose is to stay in the addiction then once DRUG COURT is mandated they will have to see what it is like to pay that consequence. IT has an amazing success rate. Dr. diversion programs, lawyers assistance programs, pilot recovery programs.. ALL have statistics on SUCCESS.. Why wouldn’t we be focused on helping educate the people on what works.. They tried this route in the past with Methadone clinics for heroin abuse. I do interventions on people addicted to Methadone and do your research in this county most treatment centers for addiction will not detox off methadone. It is to dangerous. Another similar situation we are dealing with is the War on Drugs. Again spend those millions of dollars on Treatment and Recovery. If we do not have the demand because our addicts are in recovery we will not have to fight this war on supply into USA. That’s for another time… but I am sorry I do not agree with this tactic just in case you were not clear..
A friend of mine " w
A friend of mine " wants" to go to treatment today. Will he go or will I have to intervine before he gets in my car??? Let's see.....
Monday, January 4, 2010
The first day back t
The first day back to work for the new decade.. Let's all give it our all and we can sit back and enjoy the results... No matter what job we are showing up for today let's give it our very best...
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